"~Keep Your Mouth Shut!~"
by Wondrous Wordsmith on 04/04/12
Many of us were raised by parents who taught us, "if you can't say anything nice, then don't say it at all." My mother put an extra spin to this familiar aphorism and said, "if you can't say anything nice, then shut up" and she meant what she said and said what she meant! Sometimes we can fall into negative criticisms without recognizing that we are diminishing someone's very soul, we look for the "fault" in every circumstance and sometimes we respond negatively to our surroundings by falling into a trap of "nastiness." Words come from our "thoughts," so remember to find a lil' good in everything and watch how your positivity will flourish into a calmer "you."
"If you wouldn't write it and sign it, don't say it." - Earl Wilson, American Author/Columnist/Journalist